
Last from class -- Alphabits

There was this really annoying girl in my class. She was loud and complained about everything. One day she shouted at me when I had headphones on, wanting to use my scissors. Then she complained to her friends that she felt like she was in kindergarten. I was inspired to use crayons on this project because she annoyed me so much.

The professor wanted us to redesign the Alphabits cereal box using only type. It had to be fun and creative, too. Unfortunately, eating Alphabits for breakfast comes dangerously close to being in school when you're a little kid, so it ranks rather near raisin corn flakes on the fun-o-meter.

When you're young enough to be eating Alphabits, you don't KNOW any good curse words yet, and your mom would yell at you anyway if you tried to spell them out.

I racked my brain thinking up what I enjoyed about learning to write and read as a kid. I decided that the best part was that learning to write was like drawing. You got to scribble around and make cool shapes. I decided to make a crayon rubbing of the cut-out Alphabits letters, so that things were scribbly and childlike yet still legible. Later, I decided to superimpose the cut-out letters on the rubbing, to make the letters stand out more.

Originally, I had also diagonally glued a scrap of notebook paper with childlike penmanship on the whitespace, but my professor hated it. I thought it looked cool and dada, but he complained it made no sense in the design. I had added it to drive home the point that my design idea was about little kids learning to read and write.

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